Advantages of the Podcast

podcastThis week in my social media monitoring class, we are focusing on podcasting. I must admit I was a bit at a loss before this class as far as this new media went, but, now that I have done some research, I see that the possibilities and advantages of podcasting are truly endless.
First of all, what is a podcast? To put it simply, a podcast is just an mp3 file you record and upload to a podcasting site. I use the website mypodcast.

Bob Withers says that there are two main advantages of podcasting:
1.)Ease of Use
2.)The availibility of free/cheap software to run them

The real beauty of the podcast is how easy it is to distribute. Most people in this day and age have access to ITunes and you can download podcasts, for FREE, right to your ITunes account.

Podcasts could also be defined as radio/talk shows on demand. People today are busy and move at an extremely fast pace. With a podcast, you can be sitting at the airport waiting for your flight and can listen to a podcast immediately.

Finally, it has become very popular for large corporations to use podcasts as their training sessions according to Ramona Meteri, President of Ingenia Consulting.

Here is a list of some of the organizations who are doing this:
-Akron Children’s Hospital

This is a great way to cut costs and be more time efficient with new employees.

Bottomline, podcasts are the future and you must get on board this mothership!

March 31, 2010. Social Media Monitoring, Topic of the Week.

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